"To develop and share 9-1-1 educational programs, resources and network with other Public Safety agencies.”
We are comprised of representatives of
9-1-1 Districts, Home Rule Cities and Councils of Governments.
Created and Adopted new Bylaws in July 11, 2018.
Continued public education sessions at state and national level.
Supported Public Educator of the Year and 9-1-1 Kid Hero award nominations in conjunction with the Texas Public Safety Conference.
Continued contributions to the newsletters with state and national publications.
Sent out brief updates following 9-1-1 Public Educator of Texas meetings with items of interest discussed at the meetings.
Christy Williams 1998-1999
Patti Cross. 1999-2001
Alisa Simmons 2001-2003
Vereda Koch 2003-2005
Bettie Grimes 2005-2007
Patti Davis 2007-2009
Susan Rodriguez 2009-2011
Cindy Bridges 2011-2013
Charlesetta Malone 2013-2015
Andrea Wilson 2015-2017
Pam Frisk 2018-2018
JoAnne Gilliam 2019-2020
Lisa Aguilar 2020-2021
Audrey Wilbourn 2021- 2022
Pattie Hannon 2022- 2023
Leticia Truex 2023-
Historical Items of Interest
On March 04, 1994, the first 9-1-1 public educators' meeting was held at the Greater Harris County 9-1-1 Network (GHC), in Houston, Texas.
Ms. Sonya Lopez-Public Information/Education Officer of GHC sent an invitation to all district, home rule city and council of government 9-1-1 public educators to meet at the GHC offices. The message that Ms. Lopez expressed was that everyone had their own problems and concerns about spreading the correct message about 9-1-1. Hopefully, a uniform message for the state of Texas could be established. From this first meeting of 12 in attendance, the official group of the 9-1-1 Public Educators of Texas was formed. No minutes were taken at this first meeting.